Tiwintza Beautification Project

Project Anconcito, Ecuador

$0 raised



0% Complete

100% of all donations made towards this campaign will be used directly in support of Project Anconcito, Ecuador.

The new FIMRC guest house and office is located in the Tiwintza neighborhood of Anconcito. Our new neighbors have graciously accepted us into their neighborhood, making us feel welcome, safe, and appreciated. Tiwintza is on the outskirts of Anconcito, which means it is often overlooked in terms of community projects and lacks some of the infrastructure that the more centrally located neighborhoods have. For example, many of the neighborhoods have soccer fields, parks, and other centrally located outdoor spaces for residents to spend time together and hold events. We would like to work with the neighborhood to beautify a central space and create a small park for children, youth, and families to enjoy. This money would go towards showing our appreciation to the people of Tiwintza for welcoming us with open arms and providing them with a beautiful, clean outdoor space to play, run, and relax.

FIMRC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing modern medical care to disadvantaged families worldwide. Learn more at www.fimrc.org.