Solar Powered Fruit Dehydrators

Project La Merced, Peru

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100% of all donations made towards this campaign will be used directly in support of Project La Merced, Peru.

The goal of this project is to purchase 8 solar-powered fruit-dryers with families of a native community in Chanchamayo. 13% of kids in the province of Chanchamayo suffer from chronic childhood malnutrition, levels within native communities are even higher. Most native communities within Chanchamayo have little to no low-income. Their main source of sustenance comes foraging, hunting, and fishing. What little income they do have comes from the sale of the meat and fish they collect; this is a very unstable income that cannot provide them with financial security.

The project plan is for a member of each family within the community to be involved in the process of building the solar-powered fruit-dryers; these easy to use and easy to maintain tools will have many benefits. This project will empower the community by enabling them to improve their own diets and health through the transmission of skills, knowledge and the necessary tools. These tools will be shared among the families within the community - 1 solar-powered fruit-dryer could be used by four families. Apart from fruit, families will also be able to dry vegetables and aromatic and medicinal herbs. The vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are found in the great variety of fruit and vegetables in this region are better preserved through the process of solar-powered drying. Fruit and vegetables can be dried and preserved at harvest time to guarantee year-round access to fruit and vegetables that are rich in nutrients. Dried fruit is an expensive product of high-demand within Chanchamayo, and supporting this project will enable families to create an alternative income source. Fruit will be dried and sold to generate an income and more purchasing power will enable families to improve their standard of living. This project will also help to greatly increase the self-esteem and decision power of native women in Chanchamayo. In a patriarchal society, giving women the skills and tools they need to create their own income is a form of empowerment. The dryers will be shared by several families; this will require them to work together, therefore, strengthening community organization and cooperation.

FIMRC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing modern medical care to disadvantaged families worldwide. Learn more at