Latrine Construction

Project Restauración, Dominican Republic

$0 raised



0% Complete

100% of all donations made towards this campaign will be used directly in support of Project Restauración, Dominican Republic.

The SER (Sociedad Ecologica de Restauracion - Ecological Society of Restauración) and the Unit of Health Services from the municipal hospital worked this year on gathering information on the conditions of latrines in different households from one of the poorest neighborhoods in town. The report was then presented to FIMRC. Its findings consisted of several houses not having any latrine at all, some having broken, non-functioning latrines, and some families not using them since they do not know proper maintenance.

Access to a proper toilet and sanitation is a human right, and FIMRC would love to help the SER and Unit of Health Services of the Municipal Hospital to build at least five latrines in the neighborhood and also train the owners on how to maintain to them. This project will fund the materials needed for the construction of the latrines.

FIMRC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing modern medical care to disadvantaged families worldwide. Learn more at